Tony Wakeham is standing with the people of Labrador and calling for the creation of a Regional Health Council.
Tony Wakeham is standing with the people of Labrador and calling for the creation of a Regional Health Council.
Progressive Conservative leadership candidate, Tony Wakeham (MHA for Stephenville-Port au Port) is standing with the people of Labrador and calling for the creation of a Regional Health Council exclusively for Labrador to focus on Labrador’s unique issues and be the voice of Labradorians.
“When the House debated the new Provincial Health Authority legislation on November 2, 7 and 8 of 2022, the government refused to provide the House with accurate information about its plans to use the broad regulatory powers it was giving Cabinet to decide the details of the Provincial Health Authority – including Labrador’s status – behind closed doors,” said Wakeham.
Wakeham served as CEO of the Labrador – Grenfell Regional Health Authority from 2012 to 2017 and is keenly aware of the health care challenges faced by Labradorians.
“I know why Labrador’s concerns about health care delivery are unique. The medical transportation costs alone are unparalleled. I fully support the demand of Labradorians to have a stand-alone Labrador Regional Health Council, and I am disappointed to learn the government intends to water down Labrador’s voice,” he said.
“A province under my leadership will ensure that the residents of Labrador from Torngat Mountains, to Labrador West, to the South Coast will have their own seat at the table,” said Wakeham.