Wakeham Unveils Economic Growth Plan

What we really need – and what I’m bringing to the table – is a clear focus on sound principles

St. John’s, NL (July 31, 2023)

St. John’s, NL (July 31, 2023) – Progressive Conservative leadership candidate Tony Wakeham (MHA, Stephenville – Port au Port) has announced his Economic Growth Plan focused on removing the barriers to competitiveness, lowering taxes, improving local benefits, and fueling prosperity.

“Our province’s economy right now is lurching from good news to bad, without focus or a plan, and that’s left investors skittish. What we really need – and what I’m bringing to the table – is a clear focus on sound principles and rock-solid policies that have been proven to drive growth,” said Wakeham.

“It’s time we unleash our private sector, and free it to generate the growth our communities need. Government needs to stop blocking the path to growth with needless red tape and regressive tax policies that hold back the private sector from generating jobs and investment in our communities,” said Wakeham.

“A government I lead will ensure Newfoundlanders and Labradorians drive development decisions and reap maximum benefits locally, including jobs and contracts, so the wealth is multiplying right here in our communities,” he said.

“We must begin focusing on our strengths and strategic advantages – whether it’s ethical energy, high-demand minerals, ocean industries, leading-edge technology or tourism – and making sure our public policies are as competitive as they need to be, so the action comes right to our doorstep instead of passing us by,” he said.

“All these principles require strong leadership and the very best people around the table to ensure our plans are tailored to actually deliver results – because it’s results, not rhetoric, that I will be demanding from any government I lead,” said Wakeham.

A backgrounder outlining Wakeham’s Economic Growth Plan has been attached.




Media Contact:
Ashley Jackson
Media Relations
(709) 325-5200